Proud to show off work from the AEL in the lab open house last Saturday with a hands on demonstration of some biomaterial recipes. Thanks to Lab assistants Kira Finigan @kira_fini and Dawn Lorence for leading the workshop.
#ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab #constructedecologies.
AEL’s float lab was recently relocated to Clipper Cove in Yerba Buena Island and featured on ABC7 news. The project will be used to test marine settlement, collect data and be integrated with the adjacent Treasure Island Sailing Club’s STEM education programs. The project was designed in 2017 by Adam Marcus, Margaret Ikeda and Evan Jones and launched in the Port of Oakland in 2019.
#ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab
Calling for submissions to our Pioneering Biomaterials Digital Exhibition! This online gallery will accompany our in-person Exhibition and Symposium, coming to CCA this January 2025. Please share any exciting work you are doing with biomaterials by December 6th, 2024, the submission form is linked in our bio!
#cca_arch_div #biomaterials #digitalcraft #architecturalecologies
We are excited to announce the Pioneering Biomaterials Exhibition and Symposium coming to CCA this January 2025! Join us January 21st at the kickoff of our exhibition, featuring amazing biomaterial innovations from labs around the world. Don’t forget to register for the Symposium, February 13th-14th, where the worlds of Academia and Industry converge through talks with the keynote speakers, Jenny Sabin and David Benjamin, and an array of expert panelists. All links are in our bio!
#ccaarchitecture #biomaterials #architecturalecologies #digitalcraft
The Fall ReGeneration studio traveled to Arroyo Grande in San Luis Obispo county to investigate the interaction of the ground (living systems, soil, water), the history (agriculture, settlement, culture), and the economic future (architecture and building systems). We travelled the length of the valley from reservoir to coastal dunes focusing on the synthesis of agriculture, ecology and community. The studio met with local planners, developers, historians and, community members sharing visions for how to integrate these diverse elements within a two acre historical site.
#ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab #ccarts
AEL is excited to announce that the project ‘Shell we dance?’ led by professors Margaret Ikeda and Evan Jones of AEL, and Negar Kalantar of DCL and co-taught by Dyche Mullins (UCSF) was awarded the Outstanding Science award at the Biodesign Challenge in New York City. The project was a collaboration between CCA’s architecture division and UCSF’s microbiology department. CCA students Negar Hosseini, Miti Chetan Mehta, Jesus Guillermo Macias Franco and Kianoush Hamedi worked with UCSF students Claire Kokontis, Alex Hong, and Camille Moore on the project which created a biomaterial architectural system out of shellfish and eggshell waste. This design developed modular components and a complimentary adhesive and achieved increased strength through the use of living bacteria. The team was assisted and advised from advanced mathematic professors Alain Goriely (Oxford University) and Gábor Domokos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) material scientist Anastasia H. Muliana (Texas A&M University) and Ali Farajmandi (graduate of CCA’s MAAD program). #ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab #digitalcraftlab #constructedecologies #biodesigned #seashift #biodesignchallenge2024
Margaret Ikeda and Evan Jones of AEL, and Negar Kalantar of DCL will be accompanying their cross collaborative team from CCA’s architecture division and UCSF’s microbiology department. CCA students Negar Hosseini, Miti Chetan Mehta, Jesus Guillermo Macias Franco and Kianoush Hamedi worked with UCSF students Claire Kokontis, Alex Hong, and Camille Moore on the entry “Shell we dance?”. The project created biomaterial out of shellfish and eggshell waste. Taught with Professor from UCSF (Dyche Mullins), the team was assisted and advised from advanced mathematic professors Alain Goriely (Oxford University) and Gábor Domokos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and Ali Farajmandi (graduate of CCA’s MAAD program).
#biomaterials #ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab #digitalcraftlab
#constructedecologies #biodesignchallenge2024
Please join us Friday May 24th at 4:00pm at 600 16th St. In San Francisco, in Beyers Auditorium in Genentech Hall, for the presentation of a collaborative project by CCA’s Architectural Division and UCSF’s microbiology department looking at ongoing experiments in the intersection of biomaterials, digital design and architecture.
#biomaterials #ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab #digitalcraftlab
#constructedecologies #biodesignchallenge2024
We are so excited to announce our participation in the 10th anniversary of the SF Urban Film Fest: Rooted Resurgence! There will be 7 days of amazing film screenings, community discussions, and celebrations!
This Wednesday, 04/17, CCA’s Architectural Ecologies Lab will have our work displayed alongside the screening of the hybrid-genre film, “Holding Back the Tide.” A panel discussion including our very own Margaret Ikeda will follow the showing!
This year’s festival aims to spark conversation about San Francisco’s burgeoning resurgence with an emphasis on community and equity, highlighting folks who constantly rework and regenerate social and physical infrastructure with possibility and positivity.
Information regarding tickets and registration is available on the San Francisco Urban Film Festival’s 2024 website.
#SFUFF #SFUrbanFilmFest #SFUFF2024 #RootedResurgence
We are still thinking about these innovative biomaterial creations from our CCA students on display at our 2024 Biodesign Symposium!
It is research such as this that helps to interrogate the materials of design to improve their embodied energy, environmental performance, and overall life cycle efficiency from cradle to grave. These biomaterials inscribe methods of fabrication and assembly which suggest new ways of coexistence with natural systems, considerations of natural processes, and forms of care. Amazing work from all students involved in this exhibition!!
@cca_arch_div #biomaterials #architecturalecologies #ccaarchitecture #biodesigned #biodesignchallenge
Here are some shots from our Spring 2024 Biomaterials Symposium & Pop Up Exhibition! On display here are experimental prototypes for biomaterials from various classes at CCA.
This event is all about bringing together architects, designers, and researchers to discuss the use of biomaterials in contemporary architecture and design. Thanks to our wonderful guests — @noapkaplan, @mangomaterials, Elizabeth Bond, and Zahra Jajarmikhayat — as well as our current biodesign teams from CCA and UCSF, we left feeling energized and hopeful about the potential of biomaterials in combatting the climate obstacles of today.
We cannot wait to see how this event continues to grow and inspire change, catch us in 2025 with continued biodesign innovation!
#biomaterials #biodesign #ccaarchitecture #ccainteriordesign @cca_arch_div

This video was taken last week, at the end of the storm, and you can see our Buoyant Ecologies Float Lab blending in with the white caps!
With more rain on the horizon this weekend see if you can spot the project in the Port of Oakland 👀
#floatlab #buoyantecologies #biodesign #constructedecologies #architecture
We are so proud to announce that Cambridge University Press has published our BacTerra team’s annotated portfolio!
Click the link in our bio to discover more about how the BacTerra research project harnessed the biological process of calcium carbonate precipitation to increase the structural performance of building materials. Thank you to the researchers, designers, and scientists who made this all possible!
@cacollegeofarts #biodesign #architecturalecologies #biomaterials
A final peek into our Constructed Ecologies biomaterial presentations + some material close-ups. Congratulations on a great semester!
@cca_arch_div #ccaarchitecture #constructedecologies #biomaterials #biodesigned #digitalcraft
Here’s a quick snapshot of some biomaterial research from our Fall 2023 Constructed Ecologies course! There were so many beautiful presentations and visions for the future, we cannot wait to see how these explorations progress.
@cca_arch_div #ccaarchitecture #constructedecologies #biomaterials #digitalcraft #biodesigned
We loved meeting potential students at our Graduate Architecture Open House! Pictured here are current students from our Constructed Ecologies course, Alia and Manthan, leading a biomaterial workshop to share their research from this semester.
@cca_arch_div #constructedecologies #biomaterials #architecturalecologies #sustainabledesign
Photos from our Cross Atlantic student review between CCA’s Architecture Division and The Arctic University of Norway’s (UiT) Arctic/Subarctic Landscape and Territorial Studies of the International Master of Landscape Architecture in Tromsø!
Lead by Margaret Ikeda & Evan Jones, co-director of AEL, CCA students in the Constructed Ecologies course shared their work with biological processes of growth, self-assembly and adaptation to uncover new biomaterials and inventive methods of design fabrication.
Lead by instructors Magdalena Haggärde architect and Elin T. Sørensen PhD, Urbant HAV, UiT students shared their work applying landscape architectural methods in developing projects for coastal transitional spaces.
#landscapearchitecture #littoralzone #studio1_2023 #urbanpractises #littoralliminalities #magdalenahaggärde #elin_t_sorensen #marinehousing #multispeciesneighbourhoods
We are so excited to announce that our research project, “BacTerra: Designing Across Scales”, is on display at Anchorage Museum’s exhibition “How to Survive”! This exhibition considers how practices of care, protection, and hope can help us face the challenges of climate change. BacTerra tackles this through harvesting invasive sea urchins and reusing their shells to create a concrete alternative without firing. This recipe is publicly accessible, so we can work together in researching material design solutions!
1 → BacTerra display in the Material Library lower right hand corner
2 → BacTerra table display second project to the right
3 → Close-up of Bacterra’s concrete alternative
One of our AEL leaders, Alex Schofield, also has his work, “Coral and Oyster Tiling” as part of the show. Here, he uses calcium carbonate to 3D print sustainable underwater "houses" for coral reefs and marine life to grow.
#architecturalecologies #ccaarchitecture #biomaterials #digitalcraft @anchoragemuseum
Last week’s visit to AEL’s Float Lab project in Middle Harbor Shoreline Park! During maintenance visits we study how diverse underwater invertebrates are colonizing the structure’s peaks and valleys. The lab also happens to be a favorite site for Seagulls and Cormorants to feed and bask in the sun!
For more details on this project check out the link in our bio 🌊
#architecturalecologies #ccaarchitecture #floatlab #buoyantecologies
Highlights from AEL’s Fall ReGeneration architecture studio’s site visit to Arroyo Grande Valley. Beginning with the tour of Talley winery, moving down the valley looking at various farming models and growing techniques. The studio met with the Japanese American farming community members, historians, developers and ecologists seeking to understand the integration of agricultural models and cultural history into a communally owned parcel near the Arroyo Grande Village. This integrated studio is taught by Margaret Ikeda and Evan Jones. #ccaarchitecture #architecturalecologieslab#genslercenterfordesignexcellence