Biodesign presentation at New York City June 13

Margaret Ikeda and Evan Jones of AEL, and Negar Kalantar of DCL will be accompanying their cross collaborative team from CCA’s architecture division and UCSF’s microbiology department. CCA students Negar Hosseini, Miti Chetan Mehta, Jesus Guillermo Macias Franco and Kianoush Hamedi worked with UCSF students Claire Kokontis, Alex Hong, and Camille Moore on the entry “Shell we dance”. The project created biomaterial our of shellfish and eggshell waste. Taught with Professor from UCSF (Dyche Mullins), the team was assisted and advised from advanced mathematic professors Alain Goriely (Oxford University) and Gábor Domokos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics) and Ali Farajmandi (graduate of CCA’s MAAD program).