Fall 2019
Instructor: Adam Marcus
This seminar explores the overlaps between two persistent threads in architecture: technologies of mechanization and the representation of the natural environment. These topics are explored through readings, seminars, case study research, and a series of drawing projects that engage with processes of automation and ecological thinking. The course focuses on techniques of architectural drawing and representation as one way to explore and develop attitudes towards machines and nature. In particular, students employed CNC and robotic drawing machines in conjunction with procedural, parametric software to produce a set of experimental drawings that blend aspects of automation and risk in their production.
Students: Ireny Abrahim, Laksh Agrawal, Jiries Alali, Aidan Atman, Vishnu Balunsat, Alma Davila, Cynthia Escalante, Iana Gimena, Yue Liu, Zixuan Liu, Kyle Matlock, Ronak Patel, Marina Rosolem, Ting-Kai Wang