Buoyant Ecologies Float Lab Featured in Munich Exhibition

This summer, the Buoyant Ecologies Float Lab is featured in the Houses that Can Save the World exhibition at Kunstraum München in Germany. The exhibition, which is curated by Courtenay Smith and Sean Topham and runs from June 16 to July 31, 2022, showcases a range of innovative housing types that represent sustainable and dignified models of living. The exhibition is based on the book of the same name that is being published by Thames & Hudson, London, in September 2022.

AEL Research Featured in Barcelona Exhibition "Tools for a Warming Climate"

Research by the Architectural Ecologies Lab is featured in the exhibition “Tools for a Warming Climate,” part of the larger show “La Irrupció" organized as part of the 2022 International Symposium on Electronic Art in Barcelona, Spain. The exhibition, installed at Arts Santa Mònica from June 9 to August 20, 2022, features a collection of design projects selected by curators Sara Dean, Beth Ferguson, and Marina Monsonís that provide tools to respond urgently to our planet’s uncertain future through art, activism and technology. AEL work includes the Ecopoesis Dome, Public Sediment, and the Living Data Pod.

2022 Ecopoesis Workshop 'Repairing Time' Held at Presidio, Features Jenny Odell as Keynote

The 2022 Ecopoesis workshop and gathering ‘Repairing Time’ was held in the San Francisco Presidio on April 9, 2022 and featured artist and author Jenny Odell as keynote. Following the event, Odell delivered a public talk on Thursday, April 14 at California College of the Arts in San Francisco.

Odell’s book How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy served as the thematic catalyst for the event, challenging us to consider the relationship between climate change and our perception of different scales of time. The workshop participants produced a series of cyanotype prints that experiment with the medium’s time-based qualities as a reflection on tangible ecological change. The intent was to challenge the default “how much time is left” sensibility that characterizes much of climate discourse, and instead explore how thinking across multiple time scales might allow for deeper understandings of the crisis we currently face. Through collective acts of making, the workshop tested creative alternatives of language and imagery that can inspire solidarity.

Following the event, timed to coincide with Odell’s keynote at CCA, enlargements of cyanotypes from the workshop were printed on fabric and installed on the Ecopoesis Dome, a new traveling platform for ecological and climate discourse.

Many thanks to the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and Presidio Trust for supporting this event.